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  • Lily Callender
  • Lily Callender
  • Lily Callender
  • Lily Callender
  • Lily Callender
  • Lily Callender
  • Lily Callender
  • Lily Callender
  • Lily Callender

Lily Callender


  • auction, various artwork, actions for a future date, transaction receipt, and virtual exhibition


    The questions and ideas I explore in my project stem from the Chad Elias “Whose Digital Heritage” reading and the class discussion from Week 8. In particular, I investigated this quote from Charles Cronin within the reading: “If we were to perceive cultural artifacts fundamentally as works of information rather than of tangible property, the location of the original instantiations of them would be of little significance.” This stood out to me because of the recognition that we don’t perceive these cultural artifacts as “just” works of information, and that the way we emphasize tangible objects is such a significant part of the way we view art. It was also a major part of class discussion that week - does seeing an exact replica “replace” seeing the original? Many are quick to answer “no”, but it is hard to explain outside of vague terms like “aura” and “history”.


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